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Crank presses can benefit as much as hammers. Crank presses work without shocks, at the same time do not cause earthquakes and do not shake buildings; Crank presses will not need roads, cumbersome and time-consuming for the developed foundation. They have less noise than hammers; efficiency - higher than steam hammers. Crank presses allow to receive exact products with small allowances for the further processing.

Knuckle-joint  presses

The knuckle joint press machine is essential in performance of manufacturing process, especially metal forging, metal extrusion and sheet metal fabrication in several industries. The two types of press machines available in market are hydraulic presses and mechanical presses.

Trimming presses

Обрізні  преси   призначені для обрізки заусенців  в холодному або  гаря

Stamping presses

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Hot  forging  presses

Hot forging  presses differ in big durability and rigidity of a bed. Used for receiving forgings of various form from high-quality or periodic hire in open and closed stamps, including extrusion.

Hydraulic  presses

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Что говорят наши клиенты


Knuckle-joint press K8340  Barnaul 

Coining  knuckle-joint press K8340

Machine in  a good  condition  ready   for  inspection  or loading  right  now.  Available  for  inspection  on  our warehouse right  now, 

Mechanical part  in  a good  condition, electrical  and  hydraulic parts  -  for retrofit.  Any  further  details  on your  request.

ALL-Technikal, Poltava, Ukraine   Metal working equipment

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