We work for industry every day...

Searching for your individual request
We work with a wide variety of brands from the Soviet Union to well known world machines.
It helps us to satisfy requests from companies with different budgets and technical requirements.

Qualified inspection
During the time of technology - we can offer our clients - photo/video and also online inspection of required machines. We also every time open for your own presence and ability to check the machine by your own hand.

Dismantling, loading and delivery
We organize and control dismantling, loading and delivery your machine in every corner of the world and open for your own organization as well.

ALL–TECHNICAL (ALL-TECH LLC) is a supplier of used machinery and forging equipment for the factories in Ukraine and all over the world. A wide range of used machinery allows us to satisfy any production needs from small private enterprises to the large factories and holdings. We equally successfully work with all - dealers and manufacturers in Ukraine and worldwide.
Due to our good and long-term relationships with factories in the CIS-countries (last USSR) and EU - we always update list of equipment and offer good prices for our customers.
A lot of successful projects and our deserved reputation give us the rights to OFFER and GUARANTEE IN OUR WORK:
- search and delivery of used equipment according to your request ;
- reasonable pricing policy;
- quality inspection by our specialists (photo, video inspection);
- project on a “turnkey basis” (we control all stages of the delivery - you just get your machine in your country/ port/ factory);
- no risks (flexible terms of delivery and payment; our work can
be confirmed by our clients around the world)
Year of established
Completed projects
Sea containers
Countries of delivery

Machine brands

Do you want to buy any machines?
Please fill the form below and we will contact with you in 24 hours.
Head office in Ukraine
All-tech llc
Poltava, st Polovka 64D off. 313
36000, Ukraine
Sales department sales.alltechcompany@gmail.com
+38063 1273517 (viber, What's ap)
Technical department
+38093 1541151